Invested by the private sector, Sina Card was established and equipped in 2005 aimed at producing different types of cards, especially those used in Iranian banking system. In fact, this company has been established by Ganjineh Printing Co. , a dynamic and successful complex with more than 12 years of experience in the field of printing, especially printing on artificial Materials. As the first private sector company engaged in producing laminated smart and magnetic cards, this company supplies most of the cards needed in Iran, especially plastic cards those needed by banks and financial institutes. In addition to smart and magnetic cards, it produces different prepaid scratch cards, guarantee cards, ID cards, loyalty cards, membership cards, lottery cards, Gift cards and so on, relying on skillful and expert employees as well as modern manufacturing, testing and packaging machineries. However, we are active in the field of printing on artificial Materials as well as propylene, PVC and polyethylene and produce clear (transparent) packaging. By installing and operating specialized machineries in the factory of this company, this type of packaging was practiced for the first time in Iran. All of the aforementioned capabilities have been laid out under a ceiling in the new factory of Sina Card Company with an area of 2650 m2 including 2000 m2 production area and 650 m2 official and facilities area . An area with a unique design embracing all specialized requirements of products as well as environmental requirements. This is an area equipped with unique facilities including SACS (Smart Access Control System), Surveillance cameras with 24-hour recording and controlling capability, and fire alarm and suppression systems.
Contact Sina card
Head Office: No.32, Yas St., South Fanavari blvd. , Parand Industrial zone , Saveh Road, Tehran-Iran ,
tel: 56418040 ، 56419121
Factory : No.32, Yas St., South Fanavari blvd. , Parand Industrial zone , Saveh Road ,Tehran-Iran ,
tel: 56418040 ، 56419121